What the Freeze and Fawn Trauma Responses Look Like and What to Do About Them
Trauma can impact people in different ways. The way that your body responds to trauma can depend on several different factors, like the trauma that occurred, experiences you grew up with…

Symptoms of Complex PTSD (C-PTSD)
Although Complex PTSD is not a diagnosable condition, (it’s not listed in the DSM-V, which is the manual therapists and psychiatrists use to make diagnoses), the symptoms are real and the impact

Part One Introduction to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: What is Trauma?
…trauma occurs when a situation is perceived as threatening one’s safety and survival, which stimulates subcortical defensive responses and hyper or hypoarousal. This means when we experience something that is perceived to be life threatening, our nervous system gets activated and we go into a fight, flight, freeze, or collapse response…

Cher’s Favorite Instagrammers
Although I’ve taken a break from social media recently to better manage my mental health during this pandemic, I wanted to share some of my favorite Instragrammers who provide valuable content related to mental health and trauma, and those that provide...

Coping With Family Around The Holidays
The holidays are upon us. Many of the folks I work with are beginning to talk about the feelings that are coming up about seeing their families or the grief they feel over wanting to see their families, but it not being possible. For some not seeing their...